Your (Summer~Glazed) Poet, by the Sea,
Watch Hill, Rhode Island
Your donations of any and all amounts help support my poetic arts, help sustain my work of service in the world.
Like my four-year Floating Poetry weekly broadcast series on YouTube, that has enlivened and nourished hearts, minds and spirits of all kinds in welcome ways
Or the oasis of regenesis I’m guiding, for seekers of greater aliveness and possiblity, The Poetisphere
Or the new series, a podcast, I’m launching in 2024, on all major streaming platforms. “What Brings You Alive.” about different dimensions of vibrant aliveness. including challenges and questions, calls and responses to it, and opportunities for transformation, for our selves, our communities and our larger world and society.
you can contribute easily via the “To Donate” link at bottom ~ or by Venmo to, or by Paypal to Or by mail to me to p o box 1032, westerly, rhode island 02891
all thanks, to my continuing and new patrons alike, and to my broadcast and podcast listeners around the world, for your contributions, commentaries, affirmations & unbridled enthusiasms