accolades from circles of clients, colleagues, patrons, followers & others
a cross-section below, all gratefully-received
What a moment it was tonight [at the Pyeongchang Forum]. 400 people at the reception and dead silence throughout your [“Times of Truce” main event] video as they fell under our spell. I became the Western rock star in the room, making the Governor very humbled and happy for the honor. He had deep feelings about the [poetic] calls to peace given that his is the only province cut apart by the DMZ…
Hugh Dugan, Founder, Truce Foundation of the United States
Stunning, heroic, classical image and noble poem [“In Praise of Bodies,” for the Winter Olympics poetorial]. Off to an award-winning start.
Gene Underwood, Founder, Bluest Sky
Your [Olympic “Peace-ability” poetry] shines through the winter light like a beacon of humanity.
Jon Rygh, Founder & Partner, Velocidi
Following on the precedent wave of “Ultramarine” [for the America’s Cup], visual poems, establishing and poetizing “Olympic Truce Bearers” and a multimedia presentation/invitation to an international gathering to convene on the upcoming “hot spot” of the world --- a fantastic way to “give peace a chance.”
Judith Carrington, Founder, Mental Health Resources
Congratulations [on the Winter Olympics commission]…What a wonderful assignment! I can think of no better equipped nor more talented soul to take on the challenge.
Mario Giampaglia, Creative Director, i4D Events
“This [engagement] is magnificent ... so dramatic and exciting. You must be thrilled by this honor and opportunity. We have read your wonderful [Olympic] poems and they have teleported us, so we are with you.
Carl Teich, Professor Emeritus, Boston and Columbia Universities
Thanks for being the world's (our) troubadour...your love of beauty fills all the empty spaces with light, and your poems create new space for it.
Cort M, Boston, Massachusetts
Thank you so much for the collection of poems. They are absolutely wonderful and - for a painter - quite inspiring. The "Dalfsen" one, about the "floating" cows hangs framed in our Dalfsen kitchen.
Jeroen K., Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Last night I finally took a bit of time to read the poems from your Amsterdam voyages. God! I love them! They are so whimsical and bright - like a field of tulips or a bright windmill. I am amassing a great collection of your poems. Thank you -- I treasure them. I also pinned up "Winslow H" to my wall. Keep them coming.
Sarah D., Brooklyn, New York
Your poetry deserves a wider audience. I keep them here at work so that I can reread them when I need a lift... "saxophones blowing rouge…" With the Mexico poems you can establish yourself as the premier poet / traveler, a sort of concise Jan Morris, without the bizarre trimmings.
Tom B, Columbia, South Carolina
I've been exploring your very elegant website and very much enjoying your poems -- their subtle musicality, their paradoxically sophisticated lack of pretension...
Blake Leland, fellow poet
more below...
light being © colin goedecke
An incredibly wonderful reading. Loved it. Silver tongued...
Russell V., San Francisco, California
This is one of the things you do very well -- conjure a fantasy place that is an experience...
Gene U., Buck’s County, Pennsylvania
What a truly transporting poem. So beyond beautiful. I just read it three times straight, it moved me so.
Lauralee B., Sag Harbor, New York
I love your inspiring poetry. Made me smile and feel good to read it...
Chandler R., Denver, Colorado
Colin...I so enjoy your poetry. It comes from deep within your soul and touches mine. The words wrap around me in a beautiful mist of calm and bring me peace.
Alma P., Vero Beach, Florida
You are blessed with a unique gift -- to enter one's consciousness like no other.
Chrissie C., New York City
I have no words for the beauty in your words. Reading everything you write is like following an endless rainbow.
Anita D., Rye, New York