colin goedecke, poet laureate at large
poet laureateships give organizations an opportunity to bring an inspiring, inspiriting poetic dimension to their people & worlds
for enlightened private and public organizations, businesses, philanthropies, philanthropists, communities and others
contributing a poetic voice that infuses, inspires and elevates their people, culture and consciousness
that touches people's senses and spirits, engages their finer emotions and imaginations, expands their feelings of possibility. Helping them, in turn, to live less abstractly; to work and interact with more awareness, presence, sense of purpose and humanity
a novel opportunity to enliven workforces and workplaces and so catalyze satisfaction, loyalty, motivation ~ and image, via the poetic arts; content few have (so far) thought of commissioning and using to engage their world through
ongoingly, and around special events, campaigns, retreats and conferences (actual and virtual), community support and cultural sponsoring; more
colin is currently poet laureate of The Truce Foundation of the United States, that honors and promotes the spirit of the ancient Olympic truce; most recently contributing the poetorial, "Peace-ability," to the 2018 Winter Olympics
this is an ode to that spirit, an "anthem poem"
dedicated to the Foundation; that also formed a centerpiece
at the PyeongChang Forum for the Earth & Its Citizens,
a Davos-like gathering on the environment, held on the
cusp of the 2018 Winter Olympics ...
The Times of Truce
When the blowing
winds cease.
When the swelling
seas settle down.
When the earth
enters a still point
near dawn,
near dusk.
Or the night skies
grow silent
with stars.
Whenever the world
of Nature
makes peace
with itself.
And Man
mirrors that
peace in himself;
gives free leave
to his fellow man.
These are the times
when rare and
graceful plumes of truce,
deep spirits of unity,
can be found and
greatly felt,
by everything living.
Be remembered and
by everyone,
young to old,
Colin Goedecke
The Times of Truce, a two-minute meditation on inner and outer peacefulness, in spoken words, music & imagery. Which premiered at the PyeongChang Forum for the Earth & Its Citizens, in Seoul, South Korea, February 2018